D'Arcy Mays, Ph.D.- Interim Dean, University College

Harris Hall - Room 5192

Dr. D'Arcy Mays was appointed Interim Dean of University College in the fall of 2023. He joined VCU in 1993 as assistant professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences and was promoted to associate professor in 1999. Beginning in 2001, Dr. Mays worked for two decades as the founding chair of the Department of Statistical Sciences before becoming the associate dean for Research and Operations Research in the College of Humanities and Sciences in 2021.

Dr. May’s research interests are in the areas of regression analysis and the design and analysis of experiments. His research has garnered half a dozen grants including from the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality and the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization. He is a fellow of the Virginia Academy of Sciences and has earned the Paul Minton Service Award from the Southern Regional Council on Statistics. He has presented research at conferences throughout the world and has published more than 80 peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters,  journal reviews, and other teaching-related publications. Also a passionate teacher, Dr. Mays has designed four courses and taught nine others throughout his VCU career. He has been nominated for SCHEV’s Virginia Outstanding Faculty Award and earned the College of Humanities and Sciences Distinguished Teaching Award in 2014.

Dr. Mays earned a B.S. in Mathematics, a M.S. in Statistics, and a Ph.D. in Statistics all from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

A man weating a black jacket, white dress shirt and red tie with glasses.